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Art Director, Animation Lead
Kaitlyn Colhouer was born in Pittsburgh, and when she's not stomping around in the woods somewhere, she's trying to pet neighborhood cats, with varying degrees of success. Since she was a kid, she's been trying out any game she could get her hands on, and drafted any willing (or unwilling) participant into a drawn out game of Dungeons and Dragons.
At Stormdogs, Kaitlyn is the Art Director, Animation Lead, takes care of the business end of things around the studio, and drinks an inhuman amount of coffee.
Kaitlyn's Favorite Games: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Year Walk, Red Dead Redemption 2, OFF

Art & Production
Nathan Poljak is a Pittsburgh native, artist and animator focused on 2D animation, traditional, and digital media. His work also includes motion graphics and design. Growing up, video games were integral in shaping his interest in animation.
At Stormdogs, Nathan is the Lead Animator & Producer, and keeps us motivated.
Nathan's Favorite Games: Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Transistor
Former Team Members

Brandon is a 2D traditional style animator, cartoonist, and vector-based motion graphics artist.
At Stormdogs, Brandon animates and works on game mechanics.
Brandon's Favorite Games:
Dark Souls, Banner Saga, Don't Starve

Art & Animation
Ameline Camille Lagasse, born in California and currently living in Pittsburgh is a French and English speaking animator and Concept Artist.
Ameline creates concept art, 2D assets, and animates at the studio.
Ameline's Favorite Games:
Hyperlight Drifter, Overwatch, Undertale, Portal 2

Jessica Mendel was born and raised in Butler PA, and has since migrated south to Atlanta.
She was the Project Coordinator for the first ASIFA South Film Festival, is now officially part of the committee.
At Stormdogs, Jess is our Stop Motion Animator, building and animating assets for Layer.
Jess's Favorite Games:
Don't Starve, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, Dig Dug, Frogger
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